Okay so I've been completely M.I.A. lately -- I admit it. I have been super busy, though I can't say that I've been TOO busy for my blog. I've just been quiet.. I've had lots going on and plenty of things to blog about, but I feel like I've been in a time of life where I just want to soak it all in. Read all that I can. Experience all that I can. For once in my life I haven't wanted to blurt out my opinion or my views, but I've just wanted to LISTEN. (rare I know)
Sometimes we need that. To just listen. In all aspects of life. I need to stop asking God for things and listen to what He wants for me. I need to stop whining and complaining to my friends about the trivial things going on in my life and listen to what they're going through right now.
So, during my "soaking it in" session, I've been enjoying a few new blogs and they are oh-so-amazing! One day soon, I'm going to make a list of the blogs that I generally follow and share with you guys. They range from 'day in the life mommy' blogs to cooking/recipe blogs to inspirational/faith centered blogs. I guess I have a wide range of tastes.
BUT, this one certain blog that I've found... this writer is so far from anything like me... Actually, she is a Christian and a mom, so in that respect we are alike, but most other things going on in her life are different from things going on in mine. And usually, I'm that typical "southern" (love how we all use that as an excuse for everything :) ) woman who just runs the other way from anything that's different. I stick to the recipes my husband and I like. I wear the same style clothes that I've always liked. I listen to the same kind of music. I wouldn't say I'm close-minded, as in I don't force my beliefs or tastes on people, but I do pretty much live the same way I've always lived with not too much straying.
Anyways.. back to this blog I found. It's called Rage Against the Minivan. It's about a mom of four (2 biological girls and 2 adopted boys) who lives in California with her kids and husband. Her life journey is much different from mine and I find myself so intrigued. Not intrigued in the way that I want to live that way or anything like that, but just kind of in awe of the differences and her life....? I don't know if that makes any sense, but I'm just kind of shooting from the hip here. She's also a therapist so she has a very different way of viewing things and/or explaining them. For instance, she just recently did a blog post on what to do if you catch your child viewing porn! Eeek I could NEVER talk about that publicly! I just got all awkward typing out the sentence telling you that SHE was doing it.. But, bottom line -- we are different but sometimes different is good!!
Because she has adopted two children, she talks a lot about adoption, the issues with it, etc. I have no clue about anything relating to adoption because I have never been in a position to look into it. I think it is good for me to read what she has to say on issues I have no knowledge about. It widens my view on things and that's a good thing (to me at least). She also holds this reader submission series called "What I Want You To Know". This little series has really rocked my world. You think you know so much about the world and its happenings until you read someone else's perspective on the situation. I would say I'm pretty grounded in my beliefs and my view on things, and I'm not saying I can be swayed on important issues like religion, abortion, etc. but on issues that are not so near and dear to my heart, it's good to hear another side of it. For example, one of Kristen's readers did a post on how it feels for orphanage employees/caregivers when the children they've taken care of for months (sometimes years) find their forever families. I would have NEVER thought about that side of it had I not read this post. We all have this "Annie" image of orphanages and that's not always the case.
Okay, I feel like I'm rambling... and I probably am. But I just wanted to pass along the encouragement to widen your horizons a bit.. Even if that just means opening your eyes to new writers or websites. Open your eyes and ears to people who are different from you. If we always hear and experience the same kind of people, how boring and cookie cutter will we be? And also, if you open your hearts to these people's side of their stories, you might be less inclined to judge them so harshly (which is how we are supposed to live anyways!)
Happy Tuesday and I hope to be back! Maybe my month of silence is over!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I swear I haven't dropped off the face of the earth! Things have been CRRRAZY around here! All good things (no, I'm not pregnant!) but just busy busy busy things going on!
I'll stop & take a breath really soon and update you folks on what's been happening!! Happy Tuesday!
I'll stop & take a breath really soon and update you folks on what's been happening!! Happy Tuesday!
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