Friday, February 1, 2013

Keeping My Commitments.. but Enjoying Them Too!!

I am the biggest worry-wart ever! Like honestly, I worry about everything. I think age has mellowed me a little bit in this category, but not much.

My biggest cause of worry is what people think of me. Not the usual "what are they going to think of my outfit?!" or "oh my goodness I can't say that because they might think I'm stupid".... I worry about what people will think of my character, my morals, etc. I do NOT like to disappoint people. Just ask my parents. This is most of the reason why I stayed out of trouble as a child and teenager (for the most part ;) ). I did not like the look on my parents' faces when I did get in trouble. Just didn't make me feel good.

So, now let's move forward to 2013... I can't stand to not keep commitments! For instance, my somewhat New Year's resolution was to read the Bible through in 2013.. Do you know how many days I'm behind?! 18. Yes, that's right... EIGHTEEN! Ugh it just causes me so much stress and anxiety knowing that I'm not doing what I said I would do. I didn't tell anyone but myself (and God) that I was going to do this, but it is just eating me up inside knowing I'm that far behind. I am very much a check list type person and I like having all my boxes checked! Kills me! Then, wouldn't you know.. I find a Bible reading app that tells you what chapter/chapters to read each day in order to read the whole thing through in a year..and it has little check boxes beside each day. All those little empty check boxes...cause. me. stress. But I also know that our God is a forgiving God and hopefully he can take me as I am, reading a few chapters at a time. I do want to read the Bible through.. just maybe not in a year! :)

Also, this new business venture is causing me a little bit of stress and anxiety. Although I absolutely love monogramming and getting to use my creative instincts (of which I don't have many), actually getting the orders completed and to the customer is taking a little bit longer than I had hoped. The other night I literally could not sleep because I was so worried about getting my orders done. I almost hopped out of bed and went over to my mom's house (where my machine is set up) to crank out some orders right then. I finally got to sleep and the next morning looked at my order list to find..... it had been 1 week, yes ONE week since those orders had been placed. That is NOT a big deal. I was getting them done as fast as I could and that's okay. Personalized things take a little while and I need to cut myself some slack. However, I do feel like this will be a positive trait to have because I won't be lazy about getting my orders completed. I just don't need to worry myself to death about it. I do think I've done a pretty good job so far though :)

With all this being said, My February resolution is to have 28 worry free days. I'm going to TRY to spend this month giving myself a break. Not saying I'm going to stop reading the Bible or stop doing any of my other commitments, but just try to not be so hard on myself so maybe I can enjoy these things and not see them as another box to check off on my list! I'm hoping this month's task will turn into a lifestyle change, but for now I'm setting my goals for just this month! 

Happy Friday y'all! I hope your weekend is fabulous! 


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