Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hungry, Hungry Hippo!!

That is what I feel like right now-- a hungry hungry starving hippo! I can NOT get full!! At the same time, I'm trying not to eat just crap, but my goodness, it's like nothing is filling me up! I told Johnny maybe the baby is going through a growth spurt.. I sure do hope so! I need some kind of explanation for this craziness!

And I think the cravings are beginning.. someone just slightly mentioned the Wendy's parking lot earlier and it was like my stomach was on a rampage for Wendy's chicken nuggets!! So strange..

mmm... don't they look scrum-didly-umptious!!? (pretty sure I didn't spell that right, but hey -- who cares?)

I'm trying to drink more water, but let me tell you.. it's just disgusting to me right now. I have had almost two bottles of it today though. I've found that drinking through a straw makes it more bareable for some reason. I'm a strange, strange girl haha!

Oh, AND the hormones are starting to swing.... I got home the other day to find that Riley (our yorkie, mind you, not a lab or anything big) had knocked over our trash can in our kitchen and had also busted out of the kitchen, where we keep her during the day contained by two baby gates.. and had TWO accidents on the carpet... It is so weird b/c she can stay in the kitchen all day while we are at work and not have one accident, but let her get on the carpet and BAM, she can't hold it any longer.. I guess it reminds her of the grass? or maybe she just does it to get under my skin!! Well, this particular day, it worked. I saw all of this, called John John and burst into tears! I don't typically cry very much, but it's like I couldn't control myself.. AHH what am I going to do with this crazy person that's taking over my body?!

So, I'm feeling a girl vibe lately! I don't know if it's because I reeeally want a baby girl or if it's a real gut feeling.. but I guess we shall see around the middle of May.. I'm so ready to be able to decorate the nursery, buy cute little clothes and things, and ultimately I'm just ready to hold this bundle of joy in my arms!! I absolutely cannot wait!!

Well, I guess that's all of the rant that I have today for y'all. Kind of all over the place, but that's all I've got! :) Hope your week is going great, and if it's not, well... it's almost over!!!


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