Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Feeding the Hungry Herd...

Okay, so I don't really have a herd to feed.. it's just me & Johnny. I just liked the way that sounded :).

Let me start by saying sorry, I was so focused on the hurricane-like disaster I was making in our kitchen that I forgot to take any pictures.. but let's just say even if I had taken any, I would have been too embarrassed to post them because of above mentioned disaster! However, I thought I would share a couple of the recipes that I made last night. Also, this menu is totally not on the "Eating Healthy.. or Whatever" wagon, but hey, give a girl a break! :)

So, last night we had Grilled Pineapple Pork Chops, Ruby Nell's Potato Salad, baked beans & corn on the cob. De-LISH! We'll start with the recipe for the pork chops...

Grilled Pineapple Pork Chops

3-4 bone-in pork chops (To me, the thicker cut, the better..but I could only find like 1/2 inch thick at our store yesterday)

1 can sliced pineapples

When I got home from work, first thing I did after taking the em.. I mean Riley.. out, was to take the pork chops out of the package, put them in a tupperware container ( I think mine was like 9x13 or close to it) and poured the pineapple juice from the can in the container with the chops. I poked holes in the chops so they could really soak up some flavor from the juice. I also poured all the pineapple slices on top of the chops. I left the pork chops in this container until I was ready to put them on the grill. You can do this for however long, but the longer they "marinate" in the juice, the more flavor they soak up. I try to at least leave them there for an hour or two.

Okay, as for the grilling part, I am totally not the expert on this, but I can tell you that it is better to cook them on a low temp for a longer time...rather than turning the grill on high and burning one side.. not sure who would be dumb enough to do that... Anyways. I had to call Johnny to my rescue and he salvaged the other side :) The finished product is Yummy!! and actually not too bad for you either!

Next on the menu is potato salad.. Do you ever wonder why they call this concoction a "salad"? I mean really, it is SO not good for me.. but let me tell you, it is good TO me! Anyways, moving on..this recipe is my Grandma's, and I swear everytime I make it, it doesn't taste as good as hers, but I've found that each time I get closer and closer to..well not perfection, but closer to edibleness <-- is that a word? Whatever. So here's the recipe...maybe you'll be more successful than me. Ruby Nell is the queen of potato salad and dominates this recipe everytime. Good luck!

Ruby Nell's Potato Salad

8-10 red potatoes (gma says that apparently red potatoes stay together better than others)
3-4 spoonfuls (like a slotted serving spoon) of sweet relish
dash or two celery seed (what the heck is a "dash"?! this is what messes me up!!)
dash or two prepared/ground mustard
dash or two black pepper
4-6 boiled eggs
3-4 spoonfuls mayonnaise (add more until moistened enough)

Peel and cut up potatoes. Boil until potatoes are softened, but not falling apart. Also, while you're doing this, go ahead and put your eggs on to boil. I completely forgot about my eggs last night and so that set me back about 20 minutes when I realized it. When your potatoes are the right consistency, drain them and pour into a BIG bowl. Add all the other ingredients, except for eggs and mayo. Add mayo and stir all together. If you need to, add more mayo so that it's moist enough. When you have the right combination, go ahead and add the boiled eggs and mix all together again. Sprinkle the paprika on top for decorative purposes. Yummy Yummy! Enjoy!

As for the baked beans, there's really not a recipe. I get Bush's Original baked beans and pour them in a casserole dish. I add ketchup, mustard, brown sugar, and some of JJ's homemade BBQ sauce, mix it all together and bake for about 30 or so minutes?

And corn on the cob.. we either grill it (like last night) or boil it on the stove. When we grill it, I butter the cobs and then wrap them individually in foil. turns out yummy, but again with the grilling...DON'T turn the grill on high... :S

So that's what we had for supper last night. It's funny how some women, like me, spend ALL day thinking about what we're going to cook for supper. I honestly should be thankful that I have a husband who would be just as content eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a bowl of cereal, but I just love the challenge of a new recipe or even perfecting an old recipe. I love displaying it all and getting out dishes and silverware and sitting together to eat. I really think I should have gone to culinary school, because I honestly would rather be in the kitchen cooking and trying new things than many things on my to do list.

OH, and I almost forgot... for dessert, I made my Grandma's famous Brown Sugar Pecan Bars! I'm telling y'all, that woman knows how to COOK! I get most of my recipes from her! I don't have that recipe handy right now, but in the next few days, I'll do a post on that!

Hope y'all are having a good Wednesday! And don't forget, try to be Christ's light for all people you come in contact with! All the other things we have going on mean NOTHING without Jesus! He doesn't care about all the difficult recipes I try, or how many religious movies I watch.. it's all about how I live and how many people I bring to know Him!

And since I didn't have any pictures of the food I cooked, I figured I'd show y'all one of my random favorites from our Engagement Session with Jenny Evelyn Photography.


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